Be a goldfish

i know nothing
2 min readAug 15, 2023


Irony. I forgot what I wanted to write about this and how I structured this. And that’s actually a good thing because I do not forget anything, so I like moments like these!

So, what’s the happiest animal on this planet? A goldfish.
Do you know why? Because it’s got a 10 second memory.
Oh I envy those suckers!

Yet another gem of an idea I lifted off of Ted Lasso.

Where’s this image from? C’mon you know this!

Forget the Good, Forget the Bad.

Forget it all. <insert cliched advice to live in the moment>. Be they good or bad, memories often hold you down. *(pessimist me, shoo, get out of here!)*
Nah Nah, I mean that it a good way really. Reminiscing feels good. Nostalgia hits hard. Its a warm, fuzzy feeling. Bad thing about it though, is it keeps you comfortable, and at times, hopelessly hopeful :P. Move forward! Make good memories, cherish them, forget them, repeat.

On the other side, for the stuff that you do try to forget. I have one piece of advice for you. Don’t. The harder you try, the more you remember really. Good thing about it though, is that no matter how many times you play it back in your mind, you cannot re-live those moments *(psst, time-trav… shut-up!)*. Where was I? Uh-yeah, you cannot re-live those moments. You do not have to. So stop forcing yourselves to. Move forward! Make bad memories, learn from them, forget them (not the lessons though), repeat.


Well, I think I did better with this one adlib than I’d thought! Looked up some big words for this one, let me pepper those to conclude. Your brain is gossamer, keep it ephemeral.

Make Memories. Forget Memories. Move Forward. Repeat.
Be a fucking goldfish <3 !

